Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Othello Assignment--Due Sunday, March 27th

Here are you discussion questions for Act I and Act II. Please complete by Sunday evening at midnight. You will need to not only respond to the question, but respond to at least two of your peers in discussion.

Act I

Act I Scene 3 lines 248-259

1. Analyze the passage below. How do these lines give the first glimpse of tension between Othello's responsibility as a general, and as a husband? How is Desdamona conflicted? Do you anticipate any further conflict?

"That I did love the Moor to live with him,
My downright violence and storm of fortunes
May trumpet to the world. My heart's subdued
Even to the very quality of my lord.
I saw Othello's visage in his mind,
And to his honors and his valiant parts
Did I my soul and fortunes consecrate.
So that, dear lords, if I be left behind
A moth of peace and he go to the war,
The rites for which I love him are bereft me,
And I a heavy interim shall support
By his dear absence. Let me go with him."

2. Act I Scene 3 lines 293-198
Discuss how these lines may exhibit foreshadowing within the play.

3. Act I Scene 3 lines 319-331
Analyze Iago's metaphor. What does he mean? What message is he trying to convey to Roderigo? Give examples and support


4. Discuss how Iago "grows into" being the villian in this play. Do you think he is the ultimate villian? Why/why not?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Act II--Othello

Hey all!

I hope your spring break has been restful. I will have Act I and II discussion questions up by Wednesday. You will need to respond to the discussion questions and at least TWO of your peers by Sunday @ midnight.

Get some rest!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chap 13, 14, 15

Here are your questions for chapters 13-15. Please respond online, and to at least two of your peers by Sunday, March 13th at midnight

Chapter 13

1. What are the differences between Holmes and Stapleton? Similarities? Based on what you know of each character, are their reactions to Selden's death expected? Explain.

2. How do you feel about Holmes' reaction to the discovery that Selden was the dead man? Do you think less of his character becasue of this? Why or why not?

Chapter 14

1. How has Stapleton manipulated his wife and Mrs. Lyons? Does it seem that anyone who is capable of using love against someone can actually love? Does Stapleton actually love his wife? Why or why not?

2. Discuss how love is turned against people in this novel. Does it seem that all love is doomed to be expoloited in this story? explain

Chapter 15

1. Do you believe that concealing the hound for so long was an effective measure of suspense? Why/why not? Would you have brought the hound in earlier? Describe some of the hints that the hound was not actually supernatural.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chp 9 & 10 Discussion Questions

Respond to the following questions--responses are due in class tomorrow, Tuesday, March 8th

Chap 9

1. What is a red herring? Who or what is the red herring in this story? Why was it introduced? What did it add to the story?

2. How do Watson's morals affect the story? What is the purpose of making Watson unable to shoot the convict?

Chap 10

1. Why does Sir Henry agree to leave Selden alone? Is Barrymore's outrage more to do with his own personal feelings or for his wife's sake? Explain?

2. What literary purpose is there to parallel the weather with the characters? How does it add to the suspense and tension of the novel?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Chapter 7- Discussion

Do you believe the Barrymores or the Stapletons are more suspicious? Why? What is your proof? Who should Holmes/Watson focus on? Why?

Make your case, and respond to at least one peer of the opposite side in which you argue your point.

Due Wednesday, March 2nd.