Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Homework over Thanksgiving Break

Sorry Period 3--totally spaced this today, but the news should have reached you. Here's what you need to have done for Monday next week.

1. Read through chapter 20

2. Complete vocab through chapter 20

Don't forget 10+ pages of your paper are due Dec. 3rd. If you were gone for Youth in Government, you have till Tuesday next week to make up your test on chapters 1-13

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Awakening through Chap 13 Questions

Here are the questions that were on the board today in class:

1. Discuss Edna's preoccupation with Robert.

2. What do you think Edna's inability to swim symbolizes and Robert's inability to teach her?

3. Describe the sexual tension that has occurred so far?

4. Sum up Edna's "inner struggle" and locate a quote that exemplifies this.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Awakening

Please respond to the following prompt by Saturday, November 20th at midnight. Then, respond to at least one of your classmates by Sunday, November 21st at midnight. Be prepared to go over responses on Monday, November 22nd. Your responses should be at least 2 paragraphs.

After reading and reflecting on Robinson's introduction, and reading through chapter 8, do you think you are able to locate Mrs. Pontellier's true struggle? If so, how? If not, why not? Based on what you know about the protagonist, what would you say is her true inner struggle? Explain.

(If you do not have the brown book to review the intro, you may reflect on chapters 1-8 only)

Monday, November 8, 2010

Glass Menagerie Essay due Tuesday November 16th

The Glass Menagerie Assignment
The following assignment is due Tuesday, November 16th.

Please complete a 3-5 page essay focusing on symbolism within the play. You may discuss the play itself being a symbol for life, focus on an individual character, or focus on the Wingfield family as a symbol.

3rd person only, and use quotes to back up your argument. 50 points.

Be sure to submit your paper to Turnitin.com by 8am Tuesday morning for full credit.

Glass Menagerie Discussion #2

Discuss the atmosphere of the play. Reflect on the relationships (mother/son, mother/daughter, brother/sister) in the household. How does each character act/react differently to situations? Last, discuss which character you enjoy the most at this point in the play. Do you think your opinions will change as we read?

You must respond to the prompt in 3 paragraphs by Friday, November 12th at Midnight. You must then respond to at least two of your classmates by Sunday, November 14th at midnight.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Glass Menagerie Part I

The Glass Menagerie Part I

At the beginning of Act I, Tom opens the scene by introducing the production. After reading the introduction, studying Williams' past, and historical context, analyze Tom's character. Using direct quotes from the first scene, discuss Tom's personality, his tone, and perhaps how he may embody Williams himself.

You must respond in no less than 2 paragraphs, and respond to at least 1 of your classmates by Sunday at midnight.